Then I wondered: what are they up to besides ads and shares of services? Or what could they explore after this union of forces?
Time to dig about email use, Internet tendencies and the players.
Email Use
It is fact yahoo is known for its web-based email tool market share. It is also a fact that Outlook plays a major role as client email software.
This graph below shows which are the most popular email clients that people worldwide are using to read /open their emails. The stats represent email client usage of over 300 million people all over the planet, done by Campaign Monitor for a period of about six months.
A tracking image is embedded into Campaign Monitor email messages. The referral information is then used to determine which email client was used to open the message.
The only problem, if the person reads his emails off-line or for some reason turned off the automatic download of images (like Gmail does), or yet, uses a client with no image support (old version of blackberry phones), this message will not be counted.
But it is necessary to make two remarks:
1 - Note that the above graph represents popularity of email clients and not email services. If one uses POP or IMAP to read his Gmail messages inside Outlook, it will increase the share of Outlook and not that of Gmail.
2 - There’s little doubt that Yahoo! Mail is the most popular email service out there. Another reason for its high ranking is that the free version of Yahoo Mail doesn’t offer POP functionality! So, people use web browsers to check emails.
Google with the card up his sleeve.
Of course the Mountain View’s giant would not rest. For the end of the year, it is planned the launching of Google Waves, which is a a platform designed to merge e-mail, instant messaging, wiki and social networking all into one. Others say it is to merge instant com with google doc environment.
Features on Google Wave:
Wiki in Wave – Just like how wikis function, a wave can be edited by anyone.
Live Transmit – You can see your friend typing live.
Natural Language – It auto corrects your language and suggests similar sounding words (e.g. Met, Meet, Meat).
Drag & Drop File Sharing – No attachments needed. Just drag and drop your files in Google Wave and share them with your friends.
Embed your Wave – Your waves can be embedded on any website or blog.
Gadgets – Similar to Facebook applications, gadgets are applications built compatible with Google Wave.
Robots – This little bot is an automated participant on a wave. It can read, edit and share outside content to a wave. It can also create new waves, blips and add and remove participants.
Read all about it, watch explanatory video and others here.
Internet tendencies, how users make use of it
Universal McCann has released a new report on social media as of today. It seems not to be slowing down. On the contrary, it's still growing. Make yourself known on the web is a world fever: photos, blogs, micro blogs.... However, the report shows that web users are beginning to center their digital life. Where ?
On social networks like Facebook, MySpace, and Orkut, sharing their content within these sites instead of using «single focus» ones, like Blogger or Flickr.
After four surveys of active Internet users, estimated in global audience at 625 million (or one in thirteen of people worldwide!), UM found that the usage of social networks is rising. UM questioned for this last report 22,729 active Internet users in 38 countries between November 2008 and March 2009 to come up with what is on of the largest global analysis of social media.
As you can tell by looking at the chart below, social media is and important part of users' web habits. Several activities have seen increased growth since last year, most notably those involving social networks, and image
Blogging apparently reached a saturation point, 71% of users report reading blogs - an increase of only 1% since last year. This seems to correlate with recent findings from Forrester Research, who also reported that no increase in blog reading was reported over last year.
Users are still sharing photos and videos and posting blog entries, they just tend to do this within a social networking site these days.
Social networks are an extremely popular destination right now. Two-thirds of active Web users have managed an on-line profile and 71.1% have visited a friend's social network page. When you look at active social net workers instead of just active Internet users, that figure is even higher: 96% of that group has visited a friend's page. Even though these figures represent an average across 38 different countries, UM says that the figure has increased in every market except Brazil and Mexico.
The U.S. is a dominant player in the social media space with 60% of active Internet users in this country managing a social network profile - a number up from 43.2% last year.
Thanks to a coinciding increase in mobile access since nearly a fifth of active internet users have mobile access today. However, speculating as to why social media usage is on the rise goes beyond what this report seems to focus on.
For more information check out UM's report here.
Now, what to expect from the all-new MS-Yahoo deal ?
If there is a way to try to overcome Google is by using their qualities.
It is obvious the supremacy on email users is the top one. What to do? Simple math!
Web trend + Market share = PROFIT
This profit in the form of better image, e-reputation, visibility and $$$
/I have a vision mode on/
Now it is the visionary TIF Consultant who speaks, with ideas to go further, to innovate. The web leaps towards image ans sound. MS-Yahoo could very well add video and audio/radio functionalities into their products.
My proposal:
A video micro blogging. If people are watching, why not share what they watch, what they see at the very moment of their lives, what they contemplate during special moments of the day? Infrastructure is available to some extent in good part of the planet. Phones with built-in cameras and acces to the web is a reality.
A sort of videotweet service would be my call had I active and decisional voice at MS-Yahoo. Maybe this would dim a bit the Mountain View web services dominance.
/I have a vision mode off/
sources :,, intelligence factory blog ,,
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