After all, we are all travelers on this great ship called earth!
We talk of the public who flocked yesterday towards important places on the planet to celebrate summer's Solstice.
These monuments, in their various forms are actual ouvres d'art à ciel ouvert, built by long ago civilizations who comprehended, respected and feasted the sun's north-most position on our skies. Places like Stonehenge, the Pyramids and la Puerta del Sol at Machu Pichu, to name a few, were destinations, yesterday, of scientists, religious sects, and sensitive people who are tunned into Gaia.
They do not let us forget about life cycles! This year, in special, the date fell on a SUN-DAY.
Nature rules on this planet, with its marvelous, intricate, yet simple patterns. And we are to follow them. Better yet, to flow with them in order to profit to the fullest, both of ourselves and the planet.
Mankind has to understand nature's hints when things go unbalanced. It is quite simple. If we take it , we must give it back. A cycle again! It is defenitely not by over exploiting the planet's natural resources as we have done for the past century that we will be able to level off.
It is time return what we have taken, in an intelligent way. Because nature takes its time to reestablish itself.
The Intelligence Factory follows some of these events regarding man's giving it back process across the globe.

The local state government has made major efforts to coordinate the protection and repopulation of this species considered in danger since the middle of the twentieth century.
Through different departements involved, in the last 8 years, 5 million of these Pinheiros, as they are locally called, have beeb replanted.

Despite the time it takes to reach maturity (up to 90 years), at the age of 30 it is already at its optimal size.
The results and statistics of all this giant task of planning, distribution, acccounting and post planting control is available at the State of Parana environment institut, IAP. Tremendous job they are doing. We bow our hats.
It will take time to return what we have taken, of course. But our kids will thank us!
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