These folks have dreamlike lives, where money does not count much. It is a matter of what they want, not what they can afford.
Considering that we are 7billion on sharing Gaia, have you ever thought where are you placed on an hypothetical world wealth list ?
These guys have an estimate of where you would be placed.
Type in your annual income (salary+other revenues included) and it will give you your rank among all inhabitants of the globe.
You, as I, might be surprised of our placement. We are INDEED fortunate ones if we look at the percentage that we might come to be placed at.
It sure put us to think about taxation of great fortunes, sparing with the less fortunets ones, human greed and social programs in poor areas of the world.

But the issue here points to another facet of the question, and you may name it as you wish: to give a hand, to share, charity, subvention....
When we aid, we feel better. When we share we lift our spirits, when we lead the way in a new model of growth, we warm hearts and we make a difference!
By simply HELPING OUT the ones in the need on our way to wealthiness, we will sure put a smile on someone's face along our path. We will give a future to the hopeless, or a different life perspective to numberless children.
Our actions of sharing and the application of new models of sustainable growth may not make history books, but at least after we are gone we will be remembered by some, perhaps, a little longer.
Credits with a bow of hat to Make wealth history for the inspirational tip for this article.
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