mercredi 27 janvier 2010

Checking Figures

After the earthquake that destroyed the poorest country in the Americas, the world has shown the most generous expression of solidarity in history.

In the midst of so many reports and press releases is difficult to know who did what and how much has been given.

At this link you will find the raw numbers of each country, per capita figures, and the most generous nations in relation to their GDP.

To see the details, this spreadsheet shows the numbers more accurately.

To compare with what was done in the 2005 Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, the image below shows what had been promised effectively and delivered by each country:

The numbers of the Tsunami in detail here.

Now if we compare to the spendings of the USA alone in the front in Iraq and Afghanistan, then the feeling of shame is inevitable.

Sources: Information is beautiful, the guardian,reliefweb,OEDC, costofwar

lundi 18 janvier 2010

HAITI - What we can do as for now

Haiti's tragidy has shocked everyone. The Internet does its part to help.

Here's what we can do at this very moment.

Financial Aid:

Musician Wyclef Jean's website -

Donation page in the site:

Google's special page (post earthquake Google Earth's images included):

List of major organizations accepting donations:

To be on top of things going on:

Mercycorps' twitter :

NY Times' twitter (which follows Red Cross's, Catholic Relief Services's e Internet Haiti's)-

CNN (same sources as NY Times' plus bloggers' and local twitter users' updates) -

This blogger posts regularly:

As all links above are in English, a traduction tool is found here:|pt|

Do you want to act?

If you have a special skill and want to help, this ORG is coordenating efforts and accepting help of online work; it also lists some of the disaster's initial figures: